Team Walied Campaign Office Launch

We have an amazing event planned out for you with lots of ways to plug in with #TeamWalied

Doors open at 3:00pm Event starts at 3:10pm

*Get to know your community champion Walied Khogali Ali and hear about his campaign platform!
* Get trained on how to canvass and hit the streets with Walied!
* It's a lime its a #Vibe! Free BBQ , childminding and amazing talent performing throughout the event!
* Sign up for our open mic! (email: [email protected]) with headline “Performer”

From Esplanade, St Lawrence, Regent Park, Moss Park, Cabbagetown, St Jamestown, Bloor-Corridor and Church-Wellesley cumulatively referred to as ward 13- Toronto Centre - this is our community! Our moment. Show up and show out!

Accessibility notes for event: ASL will be provided. We are currently working on making the space Wheelchair accessible. If you have any further request and/or needs to be whole in the space, email: [email protected] with headline “OfficeLaunchAcess”

Parking available in front of the building and street and around the neighbourhood!


September 23, 2018 at 3:00pm - 9pm


Team Walied Campaign Office
227 Carlton St
Toronto, ON M5A 2L2
Google map and directions


Team Walied ·


Chris de Castell

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.