City Hall needs representatives like Walied who have the courage to fight for a city that represents us.
We're counting on members like you to make a donation and ensure that we have the resources we need to win. Any amount you are able to donate is greatly appreciated.
Please note that donations to municipal candidates are not tax deductible, however the City of Toronto does offer a rebate program to donors who contribute over $25. Donations between $25 and $300 will receive a 75% rebate, between $300 and $1,000 a 50% rebate, and for contributions over $1,000 a 33 1/3% rebate.
Contribution rules:You must be a resident of the Province of Ontario to make a financial contribution. There is a $1,200 limit that applies to contributions from individuals to an individual candidate. The maximum total amount that you can give to multiple candidates in the same jurisdiction (i.e. running for the same council or the same school board) is $5,000. By filling out the required fields on the donation form, you confirm that you understand these conditions and that any donation is made from your own funds.
City Hall needs representatives like Walied who have the courage to fight for a city that represents us.
We're counting on members like you to make a donation and ensure that we have the resources we need to win. Any amount you are able to donate is greatly appreciated.
Please note that donations to municipal candidates are not tax deductible, however the City of Toronto does offer a rebate program to donors who contribute over $25. Donations between $25 and $300 will receive a 75% rebate, between $300 and $1,000 a 50% rebate, and for contributions over $1,000 a 33 1/3% rebate.
Contribution rules:You must be a resident of the Province of Ontario to make a financial contribution. There is a $1,200 limit that applies to contributions from individuals to an individual candidate. The maximum total amount that you can give to multiple candidates in the same jurisdiction (i.e. running for the same council or the same school board) is $5,000. By filling out the required fields on the donation form, you confirm that you understand these conditions and that any donation is made from your own funds.